Warriors Coach Steve Kerr Endorses Joe Biden for President: ‘Simple Choice’

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Sam Hodde/Getty Images

Steve Kerr, the radical, left-wing head coach for the Golden State Warriors, has formally endorsed Joe Biden for 2024, saying that voting for Biden is a “simple choice.”

The move is hardly a surprise since the NBA coach openly supported Biden in 2020, Fox News reported.

“It’s clear that President Biden is really interested in implementing gun safety measurements, commonsense gun violence prevention measures,” the 58-year-old coach told MSNBC on Tuesday.

President Joe Biden during the Everytown for Gun Safety "Gun Sense University" conference in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The...

US President Joe Biden during the Everytown for Gun Safety “Gun Sense University” conference in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. The annual conference gathers gun violence survivors, volunteers, and advocates to receive training on organizing efforts. Photographer: Ken Cedeno/CNP/Bloomberg via Getty Images

“I’ve been doing a lot of work the last ten years with a lot of different gun safety [and] prevention people like Brady [United], Giffords, Sandy Hook Promise, March For Our Lives. I’ve learned so much, and I know that we can prevent lives [lost from gun crime],” he said.

“President Biden is adamant that he’s going to push for commonsense laws that can do that. I know that President Trump will not do that. So, it’s really a simple choice for me,” Kerr added.

Kerr said everyone should make their choice based on their conscience but added that the issue of gun violence is one of his chief reasons.

“I’m voting on a few issues, but this is the main one. I lost my father to gun violence when I was 18 years old, so I know how much pain people go through every single day in this country,” Kerr said.

Kerr went on to spout the bogus and debunked claim that guns kill more children than any other cause.

“I know gun violence is the No. 1 killer of children in America. And I know that there’s so much that we can do about this. I think most people out there agree with me, whether you’re Republican or Democrat,” he said.

Kerr praised Biden as “willing to do the work to try to get those changes.”

He also brought the issue into his own life by worrying that his granddaughter will have to “go through mass-shooting drills” when she begins attending school, drills he called “trauma.”

“The trauma that our kids all across America go through just from those drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation is so traumatizing and just a terrible thought that our children are all feeling this way. We know commonsense laws save lives. They absolutely do,” he exclaimed.

Head Coach Steve Kerr of the Golden State Warriors coaches Stephen Curry during the game against the Sacramento Kings during the 2024 Play-In...

Head Coach Steve Kerr of the Golden State Warriors coaches Stephen Curry #30 during the game against the Sacramento Kings during the 2024 Play-In Tournament on April 16, 2024, at Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, California. (Rocky Widner/NBAE via Getty Images)

He concluded by giving lip service to protecting the Second Amendment but said we need “commonsense” gun laws.

“We can protect the Second Amendment, but we can also protect our citizens with some really simple laws,” Kerr concluded. “But we just have to get everybody on board. It’s such a political hot button, but it’s really not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. It’s not. As I said, 80% of people want universal background checks. We should have that. That alone would save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives every year in America.”

So-called “background checks” are another left-wing red herring because all new gun buyers already have to withstand a background check to buy a gun, as do gun buyers at gun shows. The only time a background check does not kick in is when a private gun owner sells a single or a few firearms to a family member, neighbor, or friend and is not selling guns as a source of income.

Kerr is well known for making extreme, left-wing statements and for supporting the radical woke agenda.

The coach routinely spouts anti-gun talking points and has often repeated statements he made following the Sacramento shooting in 2022, which, as Breitbart News reporter Awr Hawkins noted at the time, occurred despite the fact that California already passed the very laws that Kerr proposes.

But Kerr also promulgates a lot of left-wingery. In 2016 he called Trump a political version of Jerry Springer, in 2018 spoke out against military displays at sporting events, blasted the NFL for “fake patriotism” over is move to put an end to player protests during the national anthem. And in 2020, he accused those who opposed kneeling during the national anthem of being racists.

In 2022, he made the absurd comment that the news media were never “for profit” entities before and suggested that for-profit media are “not a good recipe for a healthy country.” Of course, newspapers, radio, and TV news has always been run by for profit companies.

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