Trans Golfer’s Pursuit of U.S. Women’s Open Qualification Sparks Outrage from Players and Public

AP Photo/Jens Meyer

The attempt by transgender golfer Hailey Davidson to be the first trans player to qualify for the U.S. Women’s Open has sparked outrage from athletes and fans alike.

Davidson ended up in third place in the qualifying rounds and was named the first alternate on Monday, according to Fox News.

Several LPGA pros were not pleased with the addition of a male-born player to women’s pro golf.

Pro Dana Fall, for one, took aim at Davidson in a response to an X post by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports.

“I’m not sure what the U.S. WOMENS Open is anymore because I don’t understand what a woman (sic) is anymore,” Fall wrote.

Track & Field athlete Carilyn Johnson, who was on the U.S. National 24 Hour running team, also blasted the USGA.

“USGA saying ‘If men can’t win in the male category, we support them playing in the women’s category where they have a better shot, because men should never have to accept defeat. Ever,” she wrote.

Johnson also pointed out that if men can “identify” as a woman, then women don’t have a sport and that the left is “actively working to erase women.”

The USGA’s gender policy requires a trans player to have transitioned for a year ahead of competing, must have already undergone transition surgery, and “must have undergone hormonal therapy and maintained testosterone levels appropriate for the assigned sex in a verifiable manner and for a sufficient length of time to minimize gender-related advantages in sport competitions, as determined by the USGA in consultation with its medical consultant(s).”

The women’s open will be played at the Lancaster Country Club in Pennsylvania from May 30 to June 2.

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