Leftists have gone on the attack against the U.S. Air Force Academy football team for honoring the WWII Doolittle Raid on Japan that occurred immediately after the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

On Tuesday, Air Force Football revealed its new uniforms, which feature a tribute to the Doolittle Raid.

Left-wing trolls blasted the Air Force for celebrating the raid conducted by American heroes who showed Japan that the U.S. was not down for the count after taking such heavy losses at Pearl.

The Doolittle Raid, commanded by Air Force hero Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle, took off on April 18, 1942, with 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers flown by 80 airmen to deliver their payload to the Greater Tokyo area and a few other Japanese cities. The raid was launched only four months after the sneak attack at Pearl.

The airmen, though, knew that the raid could be a suicide mission because the planes did not have enough fuel to get back to their carriers. The pilots and crew knew that if they survived their bomb runs, they would have to ditch their planes in hostile territory because they could not get back.

Yet, they went anyway.

Of course, all 16 planes were lost, three U.S. airmen died during the raid, and eight were captured, with four of them dying in a Japanese POW prison. The rest escaped back to the U.S. after ditching their planes in Japanese-controlled Chinese territory and evading Japanese capture.

Lt. Col. Doolittle was awarded the Medal of Honor and was promoted straight to brigadier general for leading the raid.

Liberals, though, were disgusted by the uniform reveal, and many blasted the Academy for the tribute.

Granted, the uniforms received a lot of support, too. Many X users responded positively to the post. But one, in particular, had just the right reply to the naysayers:

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