NFL’s Damar Hamlin In Attendance at Sunday’s Bills Game

Damar Hamlin
AP Photo/Carolyn Thompson

The Buffalo Bills have confirmed that NFL player Damar Hamlin and his family are in attendance at Sunday’s divisional-round matchup with the Cincinnati Bengals.

The team shared a brief video of Hamlin and his family being ushered into an entrance by team security.


Hamlin’s visit comes three weeks after he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field during a Jan. 2 game with the Cincinnati Bengals.

Bills coach Sean McDermott said Wednesday that Hamlin has been at the Bill’s facilities “almost daily,” according to ESPN. Though the coach added that he has not been attending meetings with the team.

Hamlin is taking his recovery, “one step, one baby step at a time,” the coach added.

“It’s what he needs and how we can help him and how our training staff can help serve him and we can serve him, and as anyone would do, we’re just trying to be there for him and walk at his pace, so to speak, play on words,” McDermott said, via ESPN. “But we’re just there for him and want the best for him right now. So it’s been good having him around when he’s been around there.”

Before his collapse, Hamlin was having a very good year. He finished third in tackles for the team with 91. He was also T9 in sacks and T2 in forced fumbles, according to Greg Vorse.

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