Ex-Golden State Warriors center Andrew Bogut blasted the Brooklyn Nets on Twitter, saying that the fastest way for Kevin Durant to get his wish to be traded to another team is to come out in support of the democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Durant has made no question about the fact that he wants Nets Owner Joe Tsai to trade him to another team. And at this point, it seems Durant doesn’t even care where he would be traded. He just wants out of the Nets.

But Tsai has thus far refused to make the deal to send Durant off to another team.

Enter Bogut to take a jab at the communist China-supporting Tsai with a satirical take on how Durant could get traded in a flash.

“An easy way for KD to get out of Joe Tsai‘s Brooklyn Nets that no NBA analyst is discussing. A simple tweet: ‘Free Hong Kong, Free Taiwan.’ Gone the next day…..,” Bogut tweeted.

Of course, Nets Owner Joe Tsai is the Taiwan-born billionaire who made his billions with the Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba. And has been a major voice in support of the authoritarian slavemasters of the communist regime in China.

Since joining the NBA as an owner, he has been called “invaluable” to the NBA’s expansion in the communist nation. In addition, he has served to help keep the supposedly human rights loving NBA in bed with his communist masters in Beijing.

Tsai was one of the loudest voices inside the NBA to go on the attack in October of 2019 against former Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey when he tweeted a simple note of support for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong that faces daily oppression from the Chinese government.

With Tsai helping to lead the charge, the NBA sanctioned Morey for supporting democracy against tyranny. Morey was forced to delete his tweet and apologize for daring to oppose despotism.

In light of the NBA and Joe Tsai’s support of the genocidal regime in China, Bogut’s tweet is pointed, indeed.

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