Little League Player Goes Viral for Tasty ‘Dream Job’

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All little leaguers have “dream jobs,” but there’s one particular little leaguer whose dream job has nothing to do with baseball and everything to do with tasty goodness.

Brody Jackson of Webb City Little League in Missouri has such a dream job. He would like to ascend to the position of Chicken Nugget Taste Tester.

One would think the healthcare plan for such a position would have to be, shall we say, formidable. Though, it speaks well of the young man that he would put his health on the line in order to ensure the crispiness and tastiness of one of America’s finest fast foods.

In addition to the stardom brought to Jackson via his career aspirations, his team also won their matchup on Wednesday against Davenport, Iowa. Meaning, that Webb City is only one game away from a spot in the Little League World Series.


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