Dem Congresswoman Who Flipped GOP Dugout the Bird Says She Was Reacting to ‘Offensive and Misogynistic’ Comment

Linda Sanchez

A Democrat congresswoman from California who flipped the bird at the GOP dugout at the Congressional Baseball Game this week claims she did it in response to an “offensive and misogynistic” comment.

In a statement to the Daily Caller, Sanchez said:

The Congressional Baseball Game is one of my favorite events of the year. It’s a great cause and brings both sides of the aisle together for a night off from partisan politics. That is why it really struck a nerve when I heard an offensive and misogynistic comment from the Republican side on my way back to the dugout. In the heat of the moment, I reacted. I have no tolerance for men who make women feel like they are unimportant or don’t belong – especially on the field. I will always stand against that kind of bigotry.

Sanchez did not reveal what was said to her and the communications director for Republican Texas Representative Roger Williams, the GOP coach for this year, told the DC that he “did not hear the comment, nor did he see Rep. Sanchez give the middle finger.”

As Breitbart’s Nick Gilbertson wrote on Thursday, “Following a half-hour-long rain delay in the fourth inning, the frustration of the Democrats boiled over. Down 5-0 in the bottom of the sixth inning, Sanchez flipped the bird at GOP members of Congress while trotting past their dugout.”

Reaction to Sanchez’s obscene gesture followed fast on social media:

There’s nothing indicating any animus from Sanchez as she leaves first base. She gives a high-five and then starts trotting her way back without paying any particular mind to the GOP dugout. Then, she suddenly looks toward the dugout before turning away again and flipping the bird.

The Republicans went on to win the game 10-0.


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