LeBron Channels Barack Obama After Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade

LeBron James
Getty Images/Kevin C. Co

Minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its ruling overturning the landmark abortion decision Roe v Wade, NBA star LeBron James fired off a series of retweets of Barack Obama’s comments on the ruling.

As soon as the ruling was revealed on Friday morning, the ex-president bemoaned that the Supreme Court had “reversed nearly 50 years of precedent” in abortion.

It was a tweet clearly already in the can and waiting to be posted as soon as the high court’s Dobbs decision was revealed. And James retweeted it almost immediately.

James also quickly retweeted two other pre-written tweets that appeared on Obama’s Twitter account as soon as the Dobbs decision was made official.

At least within the first hour after the court released its ruling overturning Roe, LeBron James had made no personal comment on the issue, preferring instead to let Barack Obama do the tweeting.

LeBron’s retweeting also made no mention of current White House resident Joe Biden, perhaps showing where James places Biden in his personal pecking order of political heroes.

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