WATCH: Reds Fan Catches Foul Ball While Bottle-Feeding Baby

Reds dad

As if the is dad didn’t have enough going on.

A Reds fan who also happened to be a dad who was bottle-feeding his child found himself extending for and catching a foul ball on Tuesday night.

So, this is pretty impressive. How to grade this?

First, since he was feeding the baby with his left hand, it’s safe to assume he’s a natural right-hander. Which means he had his good hand free to make the catch. The ball’s trajectory had it hitting about two feet aheadĀ in front of him. It wasn’t going to hit him. So we can’t give him full points for bravery/self-defense. Still, he extended nicely and secured the catch – while seated – without spilling any milk.

Official Grade: 8.3.


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