‘True Champion!’: Donald Trump Praises Tiger Woods 2022 Masters Finish

Trump Tiger
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump praised golf great Tiger Woods for his incredible performance at the Masters Tournament on Sunday.

As Woods left the course, Trump celebrated the event with a simple message reading, “Great job by Tiger Woods in the Masters, a true champion!”

Experts didn’t give Woods much chance of winning, and, of course, he didn’t. But Woods made a remarkable come back on Sunday to finish in 47th place.

This despite severe injuries to his leg.

“It was an unbelievable feeling just to have the patrons support out there,” Woods said after the tournament. “I wasn’t exactly playing my best out there, but just to have the support out there… I don’t think words can really describe that, given where I was little over a year ago and what my prospects were at that time.”

Woods aims to play at The Open in July, but his mobility issues mean his hard-driving days are over. He admitted as much Sunday, saying, “I won’t be playing a full schedule ever again. It’ll just be the big events.”

Tiger, a five-time Masters winner, certainly looked tired as he received a standing ovation on his last putt on Sunday:

Only months ago, it was still feared that Tiger might lose his leg after the car accident that sent him to the hospital for major surgery back in 2021.

Some wondered if he could make the 72-hole walk for this year’s tournament after the accident that nearly led to his leg being amputated. But Woods said he thought he could do it, and he proved that he could.

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