Lamar Jackson Disputes Saying that Racial Bias Against Black QB’s is ‘Still There’

Lamar Jackson
Rob Carr/Getty Images

Lamar Jackson seemed to agree that black NFL quarterbacks still face considerable racial bias, but Jackson says that ain’t so.

During his recent appearance on LeBron James’ HBO show The Barbershop, Jackson discussed the topic of racial bias with James and James’ friend and business partner Maverick Carter.

“The truth is there’s a lot of history with them not wanting Black guys to play quarterback . . . . tons of history,” Carter said. “It started with, ‘Well, they can’t think quick enough.’ This is going way back, ’70s, ’80s. It’s dying off.”

James added, “It’s dying off, but it’s still there.”

Jackson then said, “It’s still there. That’s why I need that championship.”

That response prompted ESPN NFL reporter Adam Schefter to tweet that Jackson agreed with the statement that black QB’s still face racial bias.

However, what seemed to be Schefter’s simple reporting of what Jackson said did not sit well with Lamar Jackson.

Though, if you listen to the conversation, it wasn’t a question. The comment about racial bias against black QBs was stated as fact, and it sure sounded like Jackson agreed with it. The conversation regarding racial bias began at the 19:11 mark.

Maybe Jackson got caught up in the moment and just said something he didn’t mean? Who knows? But he said what he said.


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