Crazed Keith Olbermann Triggered by NFL Player Saying He’s Neither Pro Nor Anti-Vax

Keith Olbermann
Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Always ready to jump to name-calling instead of intelligent debate, spittle-specked former ESPN man Keith Olbermann went on the attack against Buffalo Bills player Cole Beasley over the player’s explanation for his stance on the coronavirus vaccination.

This week, Beasley gave a long and detailed explanation about why he opposes the NFL’s coronavirus vaccine policies. In his statement, Beasley said he is neither anti- nor pro-vax but is instead “pro-choice.”

The player added that he thinks that the league is forcing vaccinations on players by only giving them one side of the story on vaccinations. He added that health officials and doctors “don’t know enough” about either the virus or the vaccine, and he does not feel that.

Naturally, Beasley’s explanation did not satisfy virus zealot Olbermann, who screamed in all caps that the player is an “IDIOT” and a “moron.”

Cole Beasley

(Christian Petersen/Getty Images)

“The Bills actually put this video out on their own account, showing this moron @Bease11
explaining why his moronic selfishness is actually about the kids won’t somebody think of the kids,” Olbermann tweeted on Wednesday.

“No vax? No play. And if you’re pretending to be Mr Wisdom LEARN HOW TO PUT A MASK ON, IDIOT,” he added.

Olbermann is deeply offended that someone might want to control their own healthcare choices. I guess he is not into “my body, my choice?”

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