The Golden State Warriors wanted nothing to do with the White House over the last four years. However, it appears that’s changing.
Before being sworn in as the first female vice president in American history, Curry gifted Oakland native Kamala Harris was gifted a #49 Warriors jersey with “Madama VP” emblazoned on the back.
“Madame Vice President, I’m not saying you’ve got to put this up in your office at the White House, but it probably would be a good idea,” Curry says in the video.
Curry added, “Congratulations! Blazing your own path, we are all rooting and supporting you the whole way.”
Harris verified that she would indeed display the jersey in her White House office.
“I will proudly, proudly display this in the office of the Vice President of the United States, an office I am about to occupy and I cannot thank you enough and you always bring such joy and pride to me, as a daughter of Oakland.”
The video includes a narrative about the country sending minority girls a message that they can achieve whatever they want to do in life.
The Warriors declined to visit the White House during any of the championships they won during the Trump Administration.