U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams has asked L.A. Lakers star, LeBron James, to take the coronavirus vaccine in public to “lead by example.”

“LeBron James, I know you’ve been a big supporter of masks,” Adams told KTLA. “I want to know when you’re going to take the shot. Not the basketball shot, but the COVID shot.”

“Because I did it because I know it’s safe, and we want to make sure people understand this is how we end the pandemic,” Adams said.

Adams insisted that if LeBron took the vaccine, then others might have confidence in the medicine.

“That’s how we promote confidence,” Adams exclaimed. “We want people to lead by example.”

Adams also said that if the players were out in front it would be a big help.

“Take the shot, LeBron,” Adams concluded. “Take the shot. And encourage people to go to TheFightIsInUs.org, LeBron, and give plasma … that’s how they can save a life this holiday season.”

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