No Punishment for Dodgers’ Justin Turner After Apology for Ignoring MLB Coronavirus Rules

Justin Turner
Tom Pennington/Getty Images

Major League Baseball has decided not to punish L.A. Dodgers third baseman Justin Turner for flaunting the league’s coronavirus rules during the World Series, after the player apologized.

“I sincerely apologize to everyone on the field for failing to appreciate the risks of returning to the field,” Turner wrote in a statement issued on Friday. “I have spoken with almost every teammate, coach, and staff member, and my intentions were never to make anyone uncomfortable or put anyone at further risk.”

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred also commented on the incident noting that Turner was “actively encouraged” to apologize for ignoring his sentence of isolation after having tested positive for the virus as the World Series was coming to its end.

Turner tested positive ahead of Game 6 of the 2020 World Series, was removed from the game, and ordered to go into a period of isolation per the league’s coronavirus policies. But as soon as the game ended, the player left his isolation room and went onto the field to celebrate the big win.

The league excoriated Turner for so baldly ignoring the isolation rules, claiming that Turner “emphatically refused” to obey the rules and “put everyone he came in contact with at-risk” of contracting the virus.

Turner went on to apologize further for his actions that night.

“I was under the impression that team officials did not object to my returning to the field for a picture with my wife,” Turner continued. “However, what was intended to be a photo capturing the two of us turned into several greetings and photos where I briefly and unwisely removed my mask. In hindsight, I should have waited until the field was clear of others to take that photo with my wife.”

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