Former Saints Quarterback Bobby Hebert’s Father Dies of Coronavirus

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Bobby Hebert, Sr., father of former New Orleans Saints and Atlanta Falcons quarterback Bobby Hebert, Jr., has reportedly died Saturday from the coronavirus.

The player’s father died after testing positive for the virus at the age of 81, Hebert, Jr., said on Saturday, according to WWL.

The former NFL player and his wife, Jojo, released a statement saying, “our hearts are broken.” Hebert added that his father was “the reason I made it to the NFL.”

“He is the wisest, kindest, and most tactful person I have ever known,” Hebert said in a statement.

“I’m kinda numb and shocked,” Bobby said. “You get numb, and then sometimes you don’t want to accept reality and what you are dealing with.”

The former player also urged people to pay attention to the experts.

“It’s just a trying time right now, and we just need to listen to what the doctors are saying and what the professionals are saying,” Hebert added. “It’s an unseen enemy.”

Hebert, who is a broadcaster with WWL radio, recently broke down crying over his father’s bout with the virus. He described his father as a fighter who beat back a list of severe problems in his life, starting with a serious birth defect and surviving multiple strokes and even colon cancer.

“My Dad was the reason I made it in the NFL. He was a champion, a strong, good man. He was tough as they come. And he loved football… loved the Saints,” Hebert said, “and especially loved LSU. My Dad was a Fighting Tiger at heart. The only thing he loved more than going to games was being with family.

“We miss him already, dearly,” Herbert added.

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