Arian Foster Blasts Trump for Calling Kaepernick an ‘SOB,’ Rips NFL over Anthem Protests

Arian Foster
The Associated Press

Former NFL running back Arian Foster blasted President Trump for calling former quarterback and anthem protester Colin Kaepernick a “son of a b*tch,” during an interview with Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren.

The former Texan and current rap artist also took the league to task for what he perceived as “logical inconsistencies.” Specifically, he criticized the league for discouraging players from speaking out politically, while at the same time allowing military flyovers at games.

“It’s a logically inconsistent stance on their part,” Foster explained.

“If you wanna say don’t make political statements on the field, then don’t have the military fly over at the beginning [of games] or don’t have a deal with the Dept. of Justice that has millions of dollars advertising the military. It’s a logically inconsistent stance.

“That’s my issue with people who take issue with the protests because it’s not logically consistent and the NFL in general, they’re emotionally driven. They’re reactionary and not proactive,” Foster added.”

Foster then laid into President Trump for calling Colin Kaepernick a “son of a bitch,” during a speech in September of 2017.

“The President of the United States is calling an American citizen a son of a bitch for exercising his 1st Amendment right,” Foster said … “There’s a citizen protesting how he sees fit to protest whatever issue he feels is important to him, very silently and very respectfully.”

Foster, who now goes by the stage name “Bobby Feeno,” took part in the protests in 2016 as a member of the Miami Dolphins.The full interview can be seen here on Fox Nation.

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