D.C. Distillery Invites U.S. Women’s Soccer Team for Visit to ‘Skip The White House’

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A Washington D.C. whiskey distillery urged the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team to “skip the White House” and visit with them for a tasting, instead.

Republic Restoratives, which bills itself as “women and LGBTQ-owned,” issued the invitation on its Instagram account, according to The Hill.

“Hey, @USWNT, can we make you a cocktail? Come to DC, skip the White House, let us help you keep the party going,” the Distillery said in its invitation.

Owner Pia Carusone wrote glowingly of the USWNT star Megan Rapinoe and insisted that Washington D.C. has “much more to offer” than just the White House.

“We would be proud to facilitate a toast in honor of your triumphant achievements,” Carusone added. “Thank you for inspiring the nation, and world, with your grit and bravery.”

Last month, President Donald Trump noted that the team would be welcome at the White House and when they won the Women’s World Cup, he tweeted out his hearty congratulations.

But Rapinoe launched a preemptive strike against any White House invitation with a bellicose rejection of such an invitation before one was even offered when in May she exclaimed, “I’m not going to the f***ing White House.”

The distillery is not the only entity in the District of Columbia to invite the team to a visit. Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, also invited the team to visit with Democrats in the US. Senate.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.


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