WATCH: Cheerleader Pummels Girl Who Challenges Her to a Fistfight

so my little sister got in a fight tonight and i don’t think i’ve ever been more proud
Twitter screenshot/sierra sprague

A cheerleader in California gave a bully who challenged her to a fistfight a complete beat-down on Saturday, according to a dramatic video of the incident making the rounds on Twitter.

The 92-second video clip reportedly shows Savannah Sprague, a cheerleader for Clayton Valley Charter High School, beating an unidentified teenage girl who egged her on by challenging her to a fistfight, the New York Post reported.

“Do you want to fight?” the unidentified girl tells Sprague, who is seen sitting at a table with several other cheerleaders surrounded by several students.

“No, nobody wants to fight,” Sprague replies. “You guys want to fight us. Nobody speaks on you guys, nobody talks about you guys.”

Sprague then tells the girl, who can be seen towering over her, to remove her finger from her face while other students looked on.

“What are you going to do?” the unidentified girl says. “Are you going to make me get back?”

“Don’t fucking touch me,” Sprague replies.

The unidentified girl then slaps Sprague in the face, starting the brutal beatdown which ended with Sprague body-slamming and pummeling the girl—all while in her cheerleading uniform.

Clayton Valley Charter High School officials declined to comment on the video as of Monday afternoon, and it is unclear whether either teenager will face consequences or be disciplined.

Sierra Sprague, Savannah’s sister, who posted the video clip to Twitter, reportedly told her Twitter followers in the post’s replies that her sister was not in trouble despite being in her uniform when the confrontation took place.

Sierra’s post containing the video went viral, receiving more than 105,000 retweets as of Monday afternoon.


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