More than 500 churches around the globe rolled out the red carpet for special needs children and adults participating in the Tim Tebow Foundation-sponsored “Night to Shine” prom Friday evening.

Night to Shine,” which marked its third year Friday evening, honored 90,000 guests in the special needs community in 540 host churches located in the U.S. and 16 other countries.

Social media users shared their best moments from the prom with the hashtag #NightToShine, with many guests donning their best outfits and hitting the dance floor for a night out. Here are some of the best moments from the red carpet Friday evening:

Tim Tebow, the former NFL quarterback and current minor league baseball player whose foundation organized the event, shared a few highlights from the “Night to Shine” locations he attended in Peru and Guatemala.

The ambitious event focused on celebrating God’s love for those with special needs, and more than 175,000 volunteers stepped up to the plate to organize these events around the world.