Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Calls Papa John’s CEO Who Ripped the NFL, ‘A Great American’

AP Jack Dempsey
AP Photo/Jack Dempsey

Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter made waves this week, becoming the first major sponsor of the NFL to publicly blast Commissioner Goodell for his handling of NFL player protests.

Given Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones’ close business relationship with Papa John’s, past statements against anthem protests, in addition to his criticisms of Roger Goodell’s leadership, many began speculating that Schnatter had criticized Goodell at Jones’ behest.

On Friday, during an appearance on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas, Jones was asked about his relationship with John Schnatter. Jones heaped praise on the Papa John’s CEO, and his strong statement against Goodell:

The facts are that I’ve spent my life, the last 28 to 30 years of my life, being knee-deep and immersed in anything and everything I can do for the Cowboys and through that the NFL. On the other hand, I am a joint owner of the businesses of 120 Papa John’s stores here in Texas. And John Schnatter is one of the great Americans. He’s the story of America. He started off in his dad’s bar just doing a pizza with a little oven or microwave, and he’s built that thing into one of the greatest businesses. Papa John’s was named by all of the people that look at the NFL, Papa John’s was named as the product most associated with the NFL and it was named that a year ago by a survey of all of our viewers. So he is quite an American story.

These words will do nothing to calm the speculation that Jones and Schnatter are in cahoots. These words are also entirely true and accurate. Though, it really shouldn’t matter to anyone that Schnatter and Jones are conspiring together against Goodell.

Roger Goodell is the worst commissioner in modern history. Short of the devil, there’s no alliance anyone should consider too unholy if the end result rids us of a commissioner who has presided over the ruining of the game, and the delivering of the league into the hands of leftist activists. If Jones and Schnatter can restore any kind of sanity to a league that has clearly lost it, go for it.


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