A photo of three Maine roofers, who stopped what they were doing to stand while the national anthem played at a nearby high school football game, is gaining a lot of traction on the Internet.

Facebook user Michelle Lyons Cossar, who witnessed the event over the weekend, posted a photo on social media of the roofers with their hands on their chests while the national anthem played at a Waterville High School football game.

Cossar wrote in her post that the men were so close to the school that they could hear the anthem play and people could see them from the stands at the game.

“From behind the stands, we hear, ‘Hey, look! They aren’t kneeling.’ When I turn to see who said it, this is what I saw … three men roofing a house and respecting the flag,” Cossar said in the post.

Cossar was at the game watching her nephew play when she snapped the photo. She said she noticed the men when another person at the game said, “Hey, look! They’re not kneeling!”

“When I looked over the fence, I saw them standing and respecting the flag even though they didn’t have to,” she told WMTW. “I just thought the world could use a little more of that right now.”

KGW reports that many of the other spectators were proud of the roofers for showing their patriotism.

Cossar’s post has been shared more than 3,350 times.