A day after describing his wife as so gentle as not to harm a fly, Donald Sterling continued to invoke the animal kingdom in court on Wednesday in reference to his bride.

“Stay away from me, you pig,” Sterling angrily, and audibly, said to his wife as she approached him after her testimony.

The outburst provoked a rebuke from the judge. “Please don’t make any comments about your wife,” Judge Michael Levanas ordered. “That’s somewhat disturbing.”

The Los Angeles Clippers owner continued to make headlines–and vowed to continue his fight against the NBA. Sterling characterized NBA Commissioner Adam Silver as eager to prove his bona fides as an anti-racist, his wife as fearful that the NBA would expropriate their property, and himself as a lover of all people.

The probate court likely won’t render a decision until after the July 15 deadline for Steve Ballmer’s $2 billion offer for the Clippers to be accepted has passed. Shelly Sterling sold the team after two doctors declared her husband incapacitated. Donald Sterling sues to block the sale. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver banned Donald Sterling for life after he made bigoted comments directed toward African Americans in a private phone conversation recorded by his mistress. 

“This is the worst corporation in America,” Sterling opined of the NBA on the stand in probate court, “and everyone will find out how terrible and dishonest they are.” He vowed, “I will never, ever sell this team and until I die I will be suing the NBA for this terrible violation under antitrust.”