Amazing America with Sarah Palin has brought a lot of characters into our homes this season. The new Sportsman Channel program has featured sharpshooters, pro wrestlers, pastors, and craftsmen. It’s been unique, funny, interesting, and enjoyable. The season finale of the program however proved to be the most heartfelt.

During the past few months we’ve met several wonderful Americans. Many of the guests won our admiration, whether it be for ingenuity, athletic achievement, entrepreneurship, or philanthropy. Palin’s guest of honor on the finale however earned our admiration for literally protecting all of us. Decorated war hero Dakota Meyer was featured in the episode as he paid a visit to Palin and her family in their beautiful home state. 

Five years ago, near the village of Ganjgal in Afghanistan, after hearing of three Marines and a Navy corpsman that went missing, Sgt. Meyer acted. He went into a dangerous area and found the four missing servicemen dead and stripped of their weapons. Under fire, he moved the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted. During his search, Meyer also evacuated wounded soldiers and provided cover for dozens of others.

Palin said to open the show:  

This country is inhabited with everyday people who go above and beyond to help their fellow man and preserve the freedom that allows each of us to pursue our own dreams.  Well, one man in particular has become an American hero. A man who selflessly placed himself in danger to save his fellow comrades. Today I have the great privilege of spending time with one of these exemplary servicemen, Dakota Meyer.

American hero, meet American icon.
In this grand season-ending episode, Sgt. Meyer gets the full Alaska treatment from the appreciative Palins. First stop, a visit to the home of Chuck and Sally Heath, Palin’s parents. There, Meyer meets the former Alaska governor, her mom and dad, and gets the grand tour of the Heath’s one of a kind home. Mr. Heath shows off his massive lure collection, animal trophies, and other keepsakes. From Russian Pepsi cans to taxidermy to Palin campaign posters, the Heaths have it all. Meyer called the place a “museum.” It sure is.
Mr. Heath showed off some pictures including one of his daughter, the Mama Grizzly almost nose to nose with an actual brown bear. He also unveiled a shot that shows you can indeed see Russia from parts of Alaska.
The Heath family pup, Bo even gets to meet Meyer. The talented black lab showed off his knack for finding antlers. The dogs in Alaska are outdoorsmen, too.
Meyer then opens up to Palin and her dad about that fateful day on September 8, 2009, the day he lost his whole team. Meyer explains how his friends were set up by the Taliban in a rouse that ended with deadly consequences. Meyer also discusses in detail the need to address veteran unemployment.   
Then, it’s on to the Palin home. After checking out a garage stocked with snowmachines and other vehicles, Palin and her husband Todd take Meyer four-wheeling. Meyer holds his own behind the wheel in a wild, muddy ride. Meyer and the Palins are clearly having a blast as they laugh a lot and have an easy, free-flowing conversation.
Meyer then goes into greater detail about the ambush that claimed his friends. “All of them are heroes to me,” Meyer said. “They’re what inspires me every day. I just want Americans to never forget them. There are men and women just like them who died for our freedom. That’s why we’re here, because of men and women like them, because they’re so great.”  
Meyer shows the Palins his bracelets that has the names of his teammates on them. He also introduces his movement FTWGA, For Those Who Gave All.

Todd Palin caps off the emotional day by taking Meyer on a little plane ride over beautiful Alaska. The Palins’ eldest son Track, also a veteran, went along for the ride while Governor Palin waved to the guys from the ground.

During the broadcast, Sgt. Meyer said he likes to mention the names of the teammates he lost as much as possible. I think that’s a great idea.
Lt. Michael Johnson
Gunnery Sgt. Aaron Kenefick
Hospitalman James Layton

May they rest in peace. Their names and heroism will live on through their friend, reluctant hero Dakota Meyer. (For more on FTWGA visit

“Getting to know Dakota Meyer reminded me that many of the folks that we consider to be heroes are really just like you and me,” said Palin. “What drives people to put themselves in danger’s way, to go the extra mile for their fellow man? I’m not sure, but it’s safe to say that we’re all thankful that they do.”