While the Girl Scouts continue to advocate “reproductive rights” and supply our daughters with books that praise pro-abortion radicals, American Heritage Girls is giving parents an alternative. Not only is AHG not pro-abortion, the international faith-based character-development program for girls ages five through 18 is unabashedly pro-life.
While the Girl Scouts hand out badges like the “Love Water Award,” “Naturalist,” and “Harvest Award,” AHG has created a new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization’s commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death. Troops can earn the new, meaningful patch in two ways. Girls can either participate in an event that brings attention to respecting life or conduct a service project for a pro-life organization. Some of the options for troop members striving to earn the badge include volunteering at pregnancy resource centers and hospices. While Girl Scouts are worshipping dirt and air, AHG is making a difference in the lives of real people.
The Respect Life Patch is a natural progression in the great work AHG has been doing. Members regularly participate in pro-life events. Earning such a patch gives the girls a real sense of accomplishment and value. A feeling that could never be matched by hocking a box of overpriced cookies.
AHG troops in Michigan came up with the idea for the new patch while participating in events that support the pro-life movement. One such event was a prayer hour at an abortion clinic.  
The differences between AHG and the Girl Scouts are stark. AHG is Christ-centered and growing. Girl Scouts welcomes atheism and homosexuality, as controversy continues to swirl around the once respected organization. AHG is what Girl Scouts used to be.
While AHG girls are signing Bibles for our troops, Girl Scouts walks arm in arm with pro-abortion Planned Parenthood. The Respect Life Patch is a perfect example of why AHG is the only program of the two that respects and promotes traditional American values.
Despite limited funds, AHG currently has more than 30,000 members across the globe, and with more than 720 troops in the U.S. In the past four years, it has experienced 40-50 percent membership growth annually. 
Long story short, there’s good news. Parents don’t have to settle when it comes to their daughters. There is a choice. The floundering Girl Scouts, a group that celebrates Gloria Steinem, Wendy Davis, and NARAL/NOW founder Betty Friedan or American Heritage Girls, an organization that puts a premium on promoting a God loving, patriotic atmosphere in which little girls can grow into fine women. The standards are simply higher.
“We certainly don’t support Wendy Davis’ thinking on abortion,” Garibay told Breitbart Sports. “I think someone like Sarah Palin would really like AHG.” As Rand Paul once said of Palin, “What’s not to like?”