Sarah, get your gun!
In a brilliant move, Sportsman Channel has teamed up with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to host a new series beginning in the spring (April). Amazing America with Sarah Palin will air weekly and focus on the outdoors, including hunting, shooting, and fishing. It will be a program matching Palin with guns. Not since peanut butter first met jelly has there been a more perfect union.
The show will highlight personal stories of those involved in the great outdoors. There is no one better to bring attention to such fare than Palin. An avid hunter and angler, Palin is a sportswoman in every sense of the word. Her beautiful home state has given her a unique perspective on the joys of nature and the sports that compliment God’s creations so well. And a market research poll found Palin generated beaucoup bucks for Alaska, as Americans traveled to the Last Frontier because they were interested in Alaska due to Palin.
Bringing in Palin will surely attract more viewers to the network. The NRA and anyone who defends our Second Amendment should be equally stoked. Palin will introduce challenging sports like hunting and target shooting to a whole new crop of people. They’ll tune in for Palin and discover a love for outdoor activities in the process.
According to Sportsman Channel, Palin will take the show to different locations all over the United States. It sounds like a slam dunk. Palin has been met with open arms across the country during her current book tour and she has shined on the small screen. She showed the world the beauty of her family and her state in TLC’s Sarah Palin’s Alaska and she continues to deliver commonsense commentary on the Fox News Channel. As Rand Paul once said–“What’s not to like?”
While shooting and fishing will certainly be a focal point of the program, other activities will also be explored. Taxidermy, engraving, and crafting are all reportedly on the docket. Interesting topics that will be livened up even more by Palin’s charm and on camera presence.
Over 100 million Americans regularly participate in outdoor sports. Palin’s new show is bound to introduce the fun to many more, including women and girls. Hunting, shooting, and fishing bring in billions to the U.S. economy. and Palin is a surefire way to boost those numbers even more.
From coast to coast, Americans are fans of the outdoors, and Palin will visit all parts of the nation to showcase their love of sport.
Sportsman Channel’s CEO Gavin Harvey has referred to our country as “the world’s largest outdoor playground.” Good for him that he has a seasoned player like Palin on board.
The first episode is set for April 3, 2014. Palin said she’s “excited.” So are we.
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