Social Justice - Page 19

LGBT Advocates Utterly Fail to Cancel Game Streamer Nickmercs for Saying ‘Leave Children Alone’

Popular video game streamer Nickmercs returned to streaming for the first time since his player bundle was removed from the Call of Duty store after he dared to suggest that LGBT content and Pride Month promotion be kept out of schools and away from children. Despite the efforts of LGBT advocates and leftists to cancel the streaming star, he returned to overwhelming support from his audience.

video game streamer Nickmercs

Leftists Hate Diversity: New York City Venue Cancels Candace Owens’ ‘BLEXIT’ Event

White leftists at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in New York City have canceled an upcoming BLEXIT event featuring Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, and Brandon Tatum, among others, claiming the Black conservative group “provides a platform for hate speech.” But what the venue said publicly is very different from what it privately said to BLEXIT, the organization’s director told Breitbart News.

Candace Owens at TPUSA event