Twitter has told us that in the last six months, it has suspended 235,000 terrorist-supporting accounts. So they’ve been taking Breitbart Tech’s advice then. Good!

It certainly took them long enough. For almost a year now, we’ve been pointing out that Twitter seems to prioritize the feelings of feminists over tackling terrorists and their supporters, who use the platform to spread propaganda and attract impressionable young recruits.

In late 2014, when ISIS was ramping up its activities on the social network, Twitter appointed the feminist group Women, Action, and Media as a partner to recommend accounts to suspend. At a crucial moment in the rise of ISIS, Twitter chose to work with a group that monitored mean comments on the internet, as opposed to, say, the Brookings Institution, which tracks support for ISIS on the social network.

It was the Brookings Institution, by the way, that discovered between 46,000 and 90,000 active ISIS accounts on Twitter in March 2015. This was the same year Twitter started experimenting with “quality filters” to protect the platform’s all-powerful celebrities from hurt feelings.

We also weren’t the only ones to notice that Twitter has yet to take any action against the ISIS-pledged preacher Anjem Choudary, despite repeated requests from British authorities to take down his posts. Choudary is likely to be jailed in the U.K. for promoting terror before he’s banned on Twitter.

As Twitter’s nemesis, I’ve made it my mission to point out their warped standards at every possible opportunity.

They’re clearly nervous — perhaps because I’m not going to let them wriggle out of my data access request, which they attempted to slither away from last week. Now that they’re on the run, they have to show they’ve been using their ever-expanding book of rules to protect more people than just feminists and whiny celebrities.

It won’t help their biased image one iota. We already know that they fail to take down death threats against conservatives, that they protect celebrities who engage in vile racist abuse, and they allow shocking incitement to violence against the police to remain on the platform, so long as it comes from the right people — i.e, Black Lives Matter.

Perhaps it’s all part of Twitter’s plan — after all, they’re happy to accept feminists’ definition of “harassment,” which is “anyone who disagrees with me.” Perhaps they’re getting ready to endorse a new definition of “extremism” too — one that includes all of my fans!

Follow Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Hear him every Friday on The Milo Yiannopoulos Show. Write to Milo at