Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos has upped the ante in the fight against his Twitter ban, filing a request for all data the company holds on him to its offices in Dublin, Ireland.

Known as a Subject Access Request, it obliges Twitter under European law to provide users with all their personal data on demand, within 21 days of a request being filed. This includes any information on the company’s decision to ban Yiannopoulos and, before that, remove his verified checkmark.

Milo explained the law in the first section of his interview with CNBC earlier today, which can be watched below.

“I can request every piece of information that Twitter holds on me, and they’re obliged to provide everything they have within 21 days. That includes any of the information that led to the decision-making about [my] suspension, or removing my verified checkmark. So we’ve done that, and they now have 20 days left to respond.”

Milo’s Subject Access Request to Twitter can be read in full below.

Milo Yiannopoulos – Subject Access Request by yiannopoulos on Scribd

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