Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos performed a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner with a room full of fans during his talk at UC Irvine tonight after delivering a speech on campus leftists’ lack of patriotism.

Dressed in a skimpy police vest (one of the themes of Yiannopoulos’ talk was law and order), Milo laid into leftists at UC Irvine for attempting to ban the display of national flags.

“Social Justice has been rotting your school from the inside. Just last year, the student government passed a resolution to ban the display of national flags, including the American flag, in student government offices. Straight out of…”

Yiannopoulos then paused, dropping his speech, and said “we should sing, shouldn’t we? They don’t like patriotism here, we should sing” before going straight into a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, otherwise known as the American National Anthem. The entire audience joined in with the song.