Student protesters have already started to congregate at UC Santa Barbara this afternoon ahead of Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ talk on campus tonight.

(Pictures via Shant Rising)

Signs reading “Fuck the Patriarchy”, “Girl Power!”, and “Patriarchy is Cancer” could be seen while counter-protesters displayed American flags, as well as their infamous “Feminism is Cancer” banner seen hanging from a bridge yesterday.

One man could be seen combating the protesters with a large American flagpole, topped with a golden eagle, whilst donning a Trump hat, Trump t-shirt, American flag patterned shorts, and a pair of matching star-spangled sunglasses.

Milo’s talk, titled “Feminism is Cancer” will run from 7-8:30 PDT tonight at UCSB and follow with a Q&A session. You can watch it on livestream below.

As a precaution following Tuesday’s violent protests committed by anti-Milo Black Lives Matter activists, no backpacks or signs will be allowed into the venue.