President-elect Donald Trump’s first 100-day priority should be closing the porous southern border, Senator-elect Tim Sheehy of Montana said during a Friday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
“Glenn Beck told Trump, you got one year to make a huge difference. And he’s like, no, no, I got 100 days,” host Mike Slater said, asking the Republican what he believes Trump’s first 100-day priority should be.

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump shakes hands with Montana Senate candidate Tim Sheehy at a campaign rally in Bozeman, Montana on August 9, 2024. (Rick Bowmer/AP)
“Well, I will say two things, because one is an executive branch priority, but, you know, not necessarily legislative. Obviously, the border. I mean, there’s no question the border has got to be secured,” Sheehy — who unseated three-term Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) in Montana — said, noting that Trump can take action executively.
“Largely, that can be an executive order, because, as we know, Biden undid all of his policies, and we have no option. We have to seal the border, 100 percent. There’s just no excuses anymore,” he continued, explaining that Congress must follow up on those executive actions.
“Now I will say part two of this is we’ve got to secure the border. I think Trump can do that through executive action, but then we have to follow up. We have to follow up with legislative, we have to make laws that come to the legislature — real laws that actually secure the border, you know, in statute, so that this cannot happen again,” he said, explaining that this will protect the country from another leftist president who would seek to undo the border security measures yet again.
“We cannot have another lefty president come in and open up the border because they feel like it and literally destroy our country from within. We cannot allow that to happen again. So I have so many things I want to do and want to support Trump doing, but that has got to be our top priority,” the former Navy SEAL said, making it crystal clear that he is prepared for the media onslaught.
“I don’t think it matters. You know, Mike, the last year and a half, I think what one of the biggest messages that this election delivered to all of us is the fact that the historical legacy media complex has finally been revealed” as a “complete fraud,” he said.
Sheehy said, in some ways, Republicans should not be fazed by the coming media coverage, because it is nothing they have not done before.
“So I’m not worried about that coverage, because I think we’ve already seen it. Look at the press coverage of Trump. I’ve seen a little Montana, but you’ve seen the press coverage of me. I mean, the press has done everything in their power from outright lies to manufactured crises to just anything,” he said, describing the establishment media as an “operative arm of the Democrat party.”
“Whether it’s Washington Post, New York Times, NBC, CNN, you name it, they have been an operative, functional command and control arm of the Democrat forces for the past couple of years. And I believe people have that baked into their psyche, so they’re fully ready to see headlines spewing out of the New York Times,” he said, explaining that it does not matter, as the American people elected Trump to take care of these problems, including deporting criminal illegal aliens and bringing “common sense back.”
“I think it’ll be enjoyable to watch that media. … The American people don’t listen to it anymore,” he added.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
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