Exclusive — Karoline Leavitt: Biden-Harris Policies Have Destroyed American Dream for Young People

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The Biden-Harris administration has ruined the American dream for young people, and the Trump campaign will ensure that U.S. citizens know this and more leading up to Election Day, national spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, Karoline Leavitt, told Breitbart News Saturday.

Despite the establishment media’s attempts to assert that Harris will perform well with young women voters, Leavitt does not believe that is the case at all.

“I am a young woman voter, and I can tell you, women know when other women are being inauthentic, when they are being fake, when they are not being real, and Kamala Harris is inauthentic,” she said. “She’s fake. Just look at the endorsement video that she put out with Obama’s endorsement. The whole entire thing was staged.”

“It was a staged production. It wasn’t an authentic endorsement. Women and all voters want authenticity, and there’s no one more authentic and real than President Trump,” Leavitt explained, making it clear that it will exist as one of the main contrasts between former President Donald Trump and Harris throughout the remainder of the election. Young people, she continued, will see this also.

“I think that’s going to be a great one of the many great contrasts between President Trump and Kamala Harris, assuming she becomes the Democrat party’s nominee,” she said.

“As for young voters, President Trump has closed the gap with this demographic because the Biden-Harris policies have hurt young people in America,” she continued, explaining that those policies have “ripped the American dream right out of their hands with the record high mortgage rates.”

“Because of Joe Biden’s policy and Kamala Harris’s policies, because of the record high interest rates, the record high inflation, young people are strapped with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt on their backs. They have good careers, yet they still cannot afford to purchase a home,” she said, describing that as the “essence of the American dream,” which is far more unattainable in the Biden-Harris economy.

“And if Kamala Harris is allowed four more years in the White House, that dream is going to be dead,” she predicted.


“President Trump is promising a future for young people that is prosperous, that is free, that allows them to purchase a home and afford a family. And that’s a message that is winning and really resonating with this group. We see it in every single poll. We also see it in social media,” she said, providing an example.

“You look at President Trump’s TikTok versus Kamala Harris’s TikTok. He has nearly ten million followers. She only has two million. He has done alternative media like the Logan Paul podcast and other outlets that have really expanded the audience, especially with young voters, and it’s been, it’s proven to be effective, and he will continue to do that,” she added.

RELATED — Fmr. Obama Adviser: The Goal of Biden Loan Plan Will Increase Interest Rates, Inflation, Mortgage Rates

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.


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