Trump Campaign Official Tim Murtaugh: Joe Biden a ‘Trojan Horse Candidate’ for the Extreme Left

CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA - FEBRUARY 25: Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie S
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden is a “Trojan Horse candidate” who will be exploited by the radical left, Trump’s re-election campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh said in an interview Saturday.

“Joe Biden is an empty vessel. He’s a Trojan Horse candidate that the extreme left will use to fill and advance their radical agenda,” Murtaugh told SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Breitbart News Political Editor Matthew Boyle.

Murtaugh noted that Biden recently had to “link arms” with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on a “unity platform” that he said had “insane ideas in it.” He said:

It really is the complete wiping out of our borders, they’re not going to prosecute illegal border crossings — it won’t be illegal anymore, they won’t be detaining people at the border, they’re going to encourage sanctuary cities, and if illegal aliens get to America, they’ll give them free health care and they’ll give them work permits so that they can compete with Americans and legal residents for jobs.

David Bossie, president of Citizens United and a senior adviser to the reelection campaign effort, also spoke to SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday about the “binary choice” between Biden and Trump.

“Eight years as vice president, [Biden] oversaw the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression, and what he says now is that he’ll raise taxes as the first order of business,” Bossie told Boyle.

He added:

He’ll impose the Green New Deal and the mountain of regulations that go along with that. He’s got a terrible track record — he voted for NAFTA, he has been coddling and appeasing China every step of his career, and so we have to draw the contrast between the great achievements of the president and how he built the economy up to unprecedented heights and he’ll do it again versus Joe Biden who has a record of failure and really some terrible and frightening ideas — especially economically for the future.

“People have to focus on the binary choice. On election day, you have to make a decision,” Bossie said. “You want to make a decision between open borders and border security. Law and order versus anarchy. Higher taxes versus lower taxes.”

“It’s about what our children and our grandchildren’s futures look like. When it comes down to five to 10 years from now, a second Trump terms means law and order, safety and security for the American people, peace and prosperity for America. Peace around the world and prosperity at home,” he said.

“Joe Biden puts America backwards, he goes back into the Paris Climate Accords, he’s going back into the Iran Nuclear Deal, we literally go back in time to the Obama years, and they undo everything that President Trump has done, that’s positive for America over the last four years. So he has to win, the future of America depends on it, the future of the world depends on it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Bossie said despite a constant onslaught of attacks from the media and the left, Trump has stood his ground on conservative issues.

He said Trump is “just as principled today on appointing conservative justices and judges, on building the wall, on cutting your taxes, and using executive orders to try to force the issues in Congress.”

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