Rep. Greg Steube: I’ve Never Seen the Republican Party More Unified

Representative Greg Steube, Republican of Florida, questions witnesses during a House Judi
SAUL LOEB/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Republican Party more unified,” said Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL), describing a “camaraderie” among House Republicans amid the Democrats’ impeachment push against President Donald Trump, offering his remarks in a Thursday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

“It doesn’t seem as if the president has lost any of his original coalition,” remarked Marlow. “It seems like he’s gaining people towards the center, at this point.”

Shared adversity among Republicans strengthened their bonds of unity, explained Steube.

“Having served in the military and having gone through fights, and you serve with people [and] go through training with people,” Steube said. “That’s kind of what has happened now to the Republicans in Congress. We’ve all had to go through this, [and] you kind of now have that camaraderie of having fought this fight together, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Republican Party more unified in accomplishing a goal, and that’s taking the House back in 2020.”


Steube continued, “I’m trying to help raise money for individuals in other districts. There’s a real feeling, and I don’t know if you watched all of yesterday, but when the Republican leadership was debating and talking on the floor, you saw all of us on the floor, all of us cheering, standing up, [and] clapping for things that we believed in, and you didn’t see that on the other side of the aisle.”

Steuebe added, “So I think, if anything, this has done a great job in unifying the Republican Party, in at least the members in Congress, [through] this tragedy that has now occurred in our country and against the Constitution that was completely partisan, and I think we’re going to be well-set in 2020.”

Near-universal support for impeachment among House Democrats reveals partisan subservience, assessed Marlow.

“It shows that the Democrats who have risen [in the House of Representatives] are just subservient to the party and those dollars, and they don’t want to deal with the hassle of being primaried, and that’s what this is about,” Marlow said. “It’s about not dealing with the hassle of being primaried and [preserving finding from] the party. It’s not about [doing] the right thing. … It’s so clear, that there’s no crime even being alleged.”

Steube described House Democrats voting to pass articles of impeachment against Trump as a political measure to stave off intraparty challenges from the left.

“A lot of these people in these [31] swing districts … that Trump won [in which] we have a Democratic congressman or woman, now, they voted for the impeachment because they know that if they voted against it they would immediately have a primary opponent, a progressive liberal socialist from the left-hand side, and they wouldn’t get out of their primary because they’d lose their primary,” Steube determined.

Steube went on, “So they’re just hedging their bets in the hopes that, ‘Okay, well at least I’ll protect my left flank, and then when I go into the general election, I’ll just pray that the American people have forgotten about my vote on impeachment.’”

Steube concluded, “I think this is great for the Republican Party. I think it’s great for the president.”

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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