New York Times bestselling author Heather Mac Donald discussed gender issues on college campuses in light of her new book, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture, on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday.
After discussing the “diversity delusion’s” effect on the modern American campus, Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House turned the conversation to two of the feminist left’s favorite talking points: the so-called “campus rape epidemic” and the #MeToo Movement.
“This idea that we’re living through an epidemic of campus rape is simply hallucinatory, although that’s being a little too gracious to it because, again, it is a deliberate concoction on the part of campus feminists and the Title IX bureaucracy,” Mac Donald, who is also a Manhattan Institute fellow and a contributing editor to City Journal, told House.
According to Mac Donald, the reality is much simpler: the effects of falsely assuming that men and women are the same. “What’s going on on college campuses is the nervous breakdown of sexual liberation with this drunken hookup culture that, it turns out, females don’t really enjoy as much as males do. No surprise there. Sexual liberation pretended males and females were identical in their desires for no strings attached casual sex,” she told House.
The #MeToo Movement also, according to Mac Donald, has links to the false assumptions of the campus left. “The #MeToo Movement has built upon the whole ideology of feminism. For sure there are real predators out there, particularly in the workplace where you have disparities, hierarchies of power. But, unsurprisingly, it has gone way beyond that, where you now have people that are bringing criminal charges against somebody that maybe made an unwanted gesture at a Christmas party,” she said.
The effect, as with identity politics and the supposed prevalence of racism and sexism in American society, is to feed into the “vicious cycle” of corrosion of meritocracy. “The real problem is it’s being leveraged into a redoubling of race and gender quotas throughout the economy as a response to this supposed male patriarchy,” Mac Donald told House.
The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture, is available now in hardcover and major e-book and audiobook formats.
Breitbart News Sunday is broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern.