Breitbart News Tonight: Economic Nationalism on Display


On a special Friday edition of Breitbart News Tonight, Breitbart Executive Chairman Steve Bannon and Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour will take your calls and discuss the “American First” economic nationalism agenda on display in the latest jobs report.

They’ll be joined by Brett M. Decker, former Wall Street Journal editor, expert on Asia, and bestselling author of Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama is Hastening America’s Decline and Ushering A Century of Chinese Domination; and Rick Manning, the president of Americans for Limited Government.

Breitbart’s Sonnie Johnson will discuss the current record all-time low black unemployment rate. She’ll also talk about her new SiriusXM radio show, Sonnie’s Cornerdebuting this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125.

We’ll also hear from Breitbart’s Neil Munro, John Binder will discuss the latest developments in the battle over funding the southern border wall and the push for a DACA amnesty negotiations.

Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle will update us on the latest 2018 elections news.

Breitbart News Tonight is broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 9:00p.m. to Midnight Eastern (6-9:00p.m. Pacific).

Listeners are encouraged to call into the show at: 1-866-957-2874. Follow Breitbart NewsRebecca Mansour, and Joel Pollak on Twitter for live updates during the show.


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