March for Life President Jeanne Mancini talked about gains made by the pro-life movement, and the work that still needs to be done, on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

“In a lot of ways, the pro-life movement is winning,” Mancini said. “There are lots of markers that are showing this: the number of abortions are actually down, the rate of women getting abortions are down. Perhaps more importantly, abortion clinics are down, pregnancy care centers are up.”

“We’re going to talk a little bit about how we change hearts and minds, how we work towards the time when abortion is unthinkable, and how the March for Life has been helpful in that over the years. We’re actually heading into our 45th March for Life this year,” she noted.

Marlow found the “happy warriors” of the March for Life to be an inspiring counter to our increasingly cynical political culture.

“I think it’s really the product of abortion. More than ever, young people see through bunk,” Mancini reflected. “They are aware that abortion hurts women, that it obviously takes the life of a baby, and that it’s a product that has really done so much damage to our culture. They see that.”

“I agree, there’s something that’s so attractive about the young people at the March for Life,” she told Marlow. “We’re not the only ones that think that. There was a wonderful story a few years ago, the head of NARAL—pro-choice America, really the architects of legal abortion in America—came out around lunchtime the day of the March for Life and saw all of the young, enthusiastic, positive, happy marchers. She decided to resign, thinking that they needed to do a better job marketing to young people. So they have now a new, younger head.”

“They really need to change the product. It’s not their marketing that’s got a problem. It’s the product that they’re trying to sell,” she said.

Mancini expressed outrage at Twitter’s attempt to ban Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN) launch video for her Senate campaign because it referred to the abortion industry selling baby parts, noting that a forensic analysis has demonstrated the undercover videos that exposed the awful practice were authentic.

“Planned Parenthood continues to move to the beat that these were manipulated, flawed, that they’re erroneous, what have you,” she said. “Of course, they have millions of dollars for a major P.R. campaign, and that influences groups like Twitter against showing the truth, what actually happens in these Planned Parenthood clinics.”

“This topic makes me crazy because Americans have a right to know what’s actually going on. Groups like Planned Parenthood—and again, they’ve got so much money of course in part because of our taxpayer dollars that are supporting them—they haven’t been frugal when it comes to messaging. It’s really unfortunate because the American public are the ones who pay on this. They don’t know what’s really going on.”

Marlow framed Twitter’s censorship of Blackburn as part of a disturbing trend of Silicon Valley titans throwing their muscle behind left-wing causes, noting that Google “sponsored a ‘Resistance’ event honoring Cecile Richards, the Planned Parenthood president.”

“I imagine, Jeanne, you haven’t been honored by Google, or Facebook, or any of those big tech giants for all of your work,” he ventured.

“I want to work to end abortion. I don’t really care about being honored by those groups,” Mancini replied. “We show the truth. Americans deserve to know the truth.”

Marlow sarcastically cited Hollywood sexual predator Harvey Weinstein’s donations to Planned Parenthood as a strategy to buy feminist credibility that proved effective for many years.

“The stories coming out about him, it’s just horrific,” Mancini said. “Again, it points to this misunderstanding of the inherent dignity of women, of men, of the inherent dignity of life. These things are really the beautiful underpinnings of a culture of life, and of the March for Life.”

“We’re all about love. We’re all about respecting the inherent dignity of the human person,” she said. “I would just encourage your listeners to check us out, and to be sure to try to come to the March for Life this year. We’re at”

“This year our theme is ‘Love Saved Lives.’ We’re talking about all of these horrific things happening over the last few weeks with Harvey Weinstein and all of these things. Love saves lives. It’s the antithesis to a culture of death. We’re so excited to celebrate that and to drill down on that this year, January 19th, the March for Life,” she announced.

Mancini said the March for Life presented a sharp contrast with the angry feminist Women’s March from earlier this year.

“I’ll never forget Madonna threatening to blow up the White House,” she sighed. “The March for Life is a non-violent peaceful protest. You’ll never see a marcher threatening to blow up anyone’s house, much less the White House. That’s just not our M.O.”

“We’re 45 years strong. We’re out there in blizzards. We know that abortion is the human rights abuse of today. We’re working to end abortion, and we need to work harder towards that, because we’ve lost 59 million Americans to abortion in these last 45 years. We have our work cut out for us, but again, we’re making great strides,” Mancini said.