Television star Scott Baio, a rare Hollywood conservative, told Whatever It Takes host Curt Schilling that for Democrats the goal with immigration is always votes during his guest segment on Monday’s program.

“I know what the endgame is with illegal immigration–in California, if you are here illegally, you get a drivers license and if you have a drivers license, you can go vote-so, the endgame–always, always–for Democrats is votes,” said Scott Baio, who was a cast member for seven years on the Happy Days sitcom, before starring in Charles in Charge, another sitcom.

“The Syrian refugees? Votes. Any people who are allowed in here through an executive order or some sort of amnesty–Dreamers? Amnesty?–whatever word–poll-tested word–they want to get people the ability to vote is what they will do and the country be damned,” Baio said.

“Screw the economy. Screw everything. It doesn’t matter, as long as you vote for us, you can come here,” he said.

“If it were the other way around? Oh Curt, you know this. If these illegals were voting Republican? There would be a 200-foot wall down at the border, 80-feet thick, 75-feet down,” he said.

Baio has been an outspoken supporter of the Republican Party for many years. He spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention and gave interviews throughout the campaign about the GOP nominee, Donald J. Trump.

The former teenage pinup boy also told Schilling about the incident at his daughter’s school, where Nancy Mack, the wife of the Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer, allegedly confronted Baio during a Christmas recital screaming: “Grab them by the p#ssy!”

Baio also talked about his foundation, Bailey Baio Angel Foundation, which he named for his daughter and runs with his wife Renee after their daughter Bailey was diagnosed with a metabolism disorder.

Whatever It Takes” is hosted by baseball great Curt Schilling and broadcasts live online weekdays from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. at

Check out more of the details and Scott Baio’s take on the presidential election and the Electoral College in the full interview here: