Pat Caddell, while speaking to Breitbart News Daily Sirius XM host Alex Marlow, cited a recent NBC/WSJ poll, saying it “was unprecedented and unethical.” He was speaking of the poll’s reliance on both new and “stale” data to “create a narrative.”

NBCNews reported the polling, relying on two sets of data, before and after the last presidential debate, and some of it was already released, as noted:

The new data incorporate interviews that were conducted after Sunday night’s debate. Poll data released by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal on Monday, which only included interviews conducted before the debate, showed Clinton with a [sic] 11 point lead in a four-way contest and a 14-point lead in a head-to-head matchup.

Among only those respondents contacted after the debate, Clinton’s lead shrank to a seven point advantage in both a four-way matchup and in a head-to-head race — reflecting the same margin that Clinton showed in a mid-September NBC/WSJ poll.

Caddell said, “They did this for the purpose of taking control and supporting a narrative that was built starting Friday in the mainstream media, which was that Trump is done,” following release of a recent controversial open mic episode.

“Who in the world would have done a poll when you have a major event happening [soon thereafter]?” added Caddell. He was referring the pollsters’ decision to race into the field on Saturday, after the release of the video. They then followed up by performing polling on Monday and mixing the before-and-after debate data.

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