On the Monday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM EST, host and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon will kick-off a weeklong discussion about what we can expect at the GOP Convention in Cleveland.

Every day this week in our third hour, we will be featuring experts on what a “contested” convention is, how we get there, and how it will impact your candidate, your vote, and your country.

Monday’s special guests include Dave Bossie of Citizens United, who will discuss what a “contested” convention means, and veteran conservative marketing and fundraising strategist Matt Palumbo, who will tell us what we can expect on the street in Cleveland.

We’ll also hear from Breitbart’s Mike Flynn and Michael Patrick Leahy about the current state of the delegate math for the nomination.

Breitbart London’s Raheem Kassam will talk about the stunning story of the former British official who popularized the term “Islamophobia” now admitting that he “got almost everything wrong” about Muslim immigration and that Muslims immigrants are not assimilating, but instead are creating “nations within nations” in the West.

We’ll also hear from our Rome correspondent Dr. Thomas Williams about the comparison of Trump to Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi.

Breitbart’s Sonnie Johnson will also update us on the latest Breitbart Meet Ups.

Breitbart News Daily is the first live, conservative radio enterprise to air seven days a week. Sirius XM Vice President for news and talk Dave Gorab called the show “the conservative news show of record.”

Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: 866-957-2874.