The disgraced and discredited Rebekah Jones is freaking out over a civics teacher who recommended Alex Marlow’s Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption to students.
Along with Marlow’s New York Times best-seller, the unnamed teacher also recommended Mark Levin’s American Marxism.
Horrified over the very idea a civics teacher would recommend books that oppose left-wing theology, Jones took to Facebook with this hysteria…
Holy hell. Talk about propaganda in schools. One of the middle school teachers in my son’s school has these two books with a little sticky note saying “favorite books.”
A CIVICS teacher.
Given Jones’ infamous track record as a fabulist, when asked for comment, Marlow was understandably skeptical: “Holy hell. I sincerely hope a teacher did this,” Marlow said. “Those are two of my favorite books, too! But given the source, it’s hard to know if it’s true. If it is,” he added, “this ‘CIVICS teacher’ clearly cares a lot about their students and their country.”
Jones is now infamous for two things. The first happened back in 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic when she falsely accused Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) of falsifying COVID data.
Her lies were so shameless and obvious that even the corporate media shrugged her off. Of course, in this environment where Pulitzers are handed to Russia Collusion Hoaxsters, that is saying something.
Jones also made a fool of herself this week when a judge disqualified her from running for Congress. Jones failed to meet the basic requirement that you be a party member for at least one year before running for office under that party’s banner.
Obviously, there is nothing —legally or morally — wrong with a teacher recommending politically-themed books. But now that Jones has made this public, we all know where the story heads next. The teacher will be outed, doxxed, shamed, fired, or forced to apologize. And in the place of Breaking the News and American Marxism, students will be given access to publications the left does approve of: gay porn, transsexual propaganda, and America-hating propaganda.
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