Michigan is at a crossroads. For the first time in forty years, Democrats have had complete control of state government, and in that short two-year period they’ve set the Great Lakes State on a dangerous path. If one-party rule continues, Michigan could soon resemble the failed experiment known as California — where runaway government spending, rampant lawlessness, and disregard for middle-class families have become the norm.

Take a look at what Democrats have done to our state. They just expanded cash welfare handouts to keep people dependent on the government for even longer. But they refused to do anything about rampant fraud, even though Michigan under Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has experienced a 210 percent increase in welfare fraud between 2019 and 2022. Instead of cracking down on this blatant theft of taxpayer dollars, they’ve decided to hand out even more money without protections. Where’s the accountability? Where’s the commonsense transparency?

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting on September 24, 2024, in New York City. (Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Clinton Global Initiative)

It doesn’t stop there. The Democrats’ radical agenda also includes incentivizing illegal aliens to flock to Michigan neighborhoods. They’ve blocked my plan to ban sanctuary cities and counties. They offer rent assistance to illegal aliens. They’re ready to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. I’ve seen the border crisis first hand – illegal border crossers entering into the United States with ease. Democrats are more than happy to welcome these lawbreakers into our state with open arms — putting law-abiding Michigan citizens at risk. Illegal immigrants are already murdering Michigan residents and running organized crime rings in metro Detroit. Instead of taking tangible steps to fix the border crisis, our Democrat leaders are celebrating it.

Meanwhile, Democrats recklessly squandered a $9 billion budget surplus, and they hiked the income tax to pay for their bloated spending. They didn’t even use that money to fix our crumbling local roads, improve education, or enhance public safety, focusing instead on political pet projects and pork barrel spending. Just last month, Michigan House Democrats refused to restore the full $300 million in funding for school safety and student mental health, which they slashed in June – a 92 percent cut. Instead of doing the right thing and fully funding these critical initiatives, they patted themselves on the back for adding back less than half — just $125 million. Democrats are leaving students in a lurch, but not for lack of available funds. They’re keeping the extra money on the balance sheet, waiting to blow it on more vanity projects instead of fully funding school safety.

Michigan students are facing a mental health crisis, and it’s no wonder. The damage done by Whitmer’s COVID-era school shutdowns has left a lasting impact on children who were kept out of the classroom. They’re struggling to catch up academically, emotionally, and socially. Yet, Democrats think it’s okay to shortchange students while approving $1 billion in pork barrel spending to enrich their favored special interests. Michigan Democrats are putting themselves first and Michigan families last.

Democrats have also betrayed Michigan taxpayers by giving away their hard-earned dollars to foreign adversaries. The Democrats approved deals that funnel billions of Michigan taxpayer dollars to companies and projects with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This isn’t just reckless; it’s dangerous. As Democrats cozy up to China, University of Michigan students from China who were caught near a military base sneaking photos of training exercises and equipment are now facing charges. The threat to our national security is real, and Democrats are handing over the keys to our future to the CCP.

This is just the start for the radical Michigan Democrats. They are nowhere near finished in their drive to turn Michigan into a left-wing dystopia. If they have their way, Michigan will become the California of the Midwest — a state where government mandates, high taxes, and lawlessness are the rule, not the exception.

Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (right) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer at a campaign rally in Romulus, Michigan, on August 7, 2024. (Amy Lemus/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

But it’s not too late. This fall, Michigan voters will have the opportunity to take back control and put an end to the Democrats’ radical agenda. By returning the House to Republican control, we can be that essential check and balance on Whitmer and Senate Democrats. House Republicans will make Whitmer a lame-duck governor. Then, when I’m speaker of the House, we will have the legislative power to block Democrats’ extremism and pursue our Mission for Michigan policy priorities — keeping kids safe, protecting our communities, and standing up for Michigan families.

We must end the culture of dependency that Democrats are pushing. We must secure our borders, protect our taxpayers, and ensure that our state isn’t a haven for illegal aliens and other criminals. We must stop the reckless spending and put Michigan’s families first.

The future of Michigan is at stake. Do we want to continue down the path of lawlessness, tax hikes, overregulation, and government dependency, or do we want a state where the rule of law is respected and value for tax dollars are prioritized? To avoid the economic demise and unrestrained crime of California, Michigan needs a change. It begins in the state House this fall.

State Rep. Matt Hall, R-Richland Township, serves as Michigan’s House Republican Leader and represents the 42nd House District.