Exclusive — Dave McCormick: Swing State Dems Cozying Up to Trump Are ‘In a State of Panic’

David McCormick, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, speaks during a cam
David Dermer/AP

Democrat Senatorial candidates in swing states that are cozying up to former President Donald Trump are “in a state of panic” as the election gets closer, Dave McCormick, the Republican nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania, told Breitbart News Saturday.

McCormick, who is running against Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), spoke about how he was “very aligned and campaigning” with Trump, adding that Casey had “voted” an overwhelming majority of the time with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“The reason you’re seeing all the momentum shift in my direction is people now see this election for what it is. It’s an election between change and the status quo. It’s between a guy, in Bob Casey’s case, who is a career politician — 30 years in elected office, 18 years in the Senate,” McCormick explained.

“When the bullets start flying, he ducks. And, he’s voted 98 percent of the time for this radical, liberal agenda of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. So, he’s a sure vote. And, it’s against a guy who is a seventh-generation Pennsylvanian and a West Point grad, a combat vet, someone who’s been a successful businessman, and a political outsider who’s going to shake things up. So, that’s how my race is coming together. And, I think the momentum’s on my side, and I think it’s definitely on President Trump’s side, and we’ve been very aligned and campaigning together,” McCormick added.

Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle brought up how in Pennsylvania and “other battleground Senate races” in states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, Democrat senators were running ads claiming they support Trump’s policies.

As Breitbart News’s Nick Gilbertson reported, Casey and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) have released ads claiming that they align with Trump’s “trade policy” and the ending “of the North American Free Trade Agreement,” even though they “voted to convict Trump on impeachment charges.”

For example, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) released an ad claiming she aligns with the 45th president on trade policy, as Breitbart reported.

Another ad from Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) touts that he backed the end of the North American Free Trade Agreement and includes a video of Trump signing legislation into law. Baldwin and Casey both voted to convict Trump on impeachment charges.

Boyle referenced how, in an interview with Trump last weekend, the former president “jokes that he’s honored,” but notes that those Democrats are “radical Democrats.”

“Yeah, I think they’re panicking. I think they’re panicking. I think two things are happening, number one, Pennsylvania may be the one place where it would’ve been better for the Democrats to have Biden than Harris, because what she is — Biden has ‘Scranton Joe,’ had union relationships, he knew every county commissioner. Kamala Harris is a San Francisco liberal, who in her own words, in the last few years, has supported the set of positions to ban fracking, transition energy workers, defund the police, have mandatory buybacks of guns, legalize illegal immigration, give them federal benefits. These positions, these radical positions that are just completely out of step with Pennsylvania, and the more Pennsylvanians see of who she really is, the more they’re saying, ‘I don’t want anything to do with that,’ and that’s why I think President Trump is gaining momentum in the polls in Pennsylvania,” McCormick added.

“And, the more they see of Bob Casey, they know he’s a sure vote for that radical, liberal agenda. So, I think Casey’s internal polling, and the public polling, shows that he’s in trouble, and he’s flailing around and he’s panicking,” McCormick said.

McCormick added that Casey was “running a series of attack ads” against him, that were “truly fabricated.”

“He recently ran an ad saying I plan to cut social security. And, the very next day, the Washington Post, which is no conservative newspaper, as you know, ran an article saying this was a completely fabricated ad and gave Bob Casey four Pinocchios, which is the worst you can get in terms of lying commercials. So, I think they’re in a state of panic, and I think now’s the time we just need to put the pedal to the medal and win this thing.”


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