Former President Donald Trump will hammer Vice President Kamala Harris at his rally in Arizona Thursday for the “migrant invasion,” adding it “disqualifies her from the presidency,” according to prepared remarks obtained by Breitbart News.

Trump, who is slated to speak at 5:00 p.m. ET in Tempe, is expected to say Harris “orchestrated the most egregious betrayal that any leader in American history has ever inflicted on our people.”

“She has eradicated our sovereign border and she has unleashed an army of migrant gangs who are waging a campaign of violence and terror against our citizens,” his prepared remarks add.

Trump will then argue that the extremely high levels of illegal immigration seen under the Biden-Harris adminsitration should bar Harris from office.

“My message today is simple. Kamala’s migrant invasion disqualifies her from the presidency,” Trump is prepared to say.

“No person who is responsible for so much bloodshed on our own soil can ever be allowed to become President of the United States,” he will add.

According to the remarks, Trump will tout his record on the southern border during his presidency as “the strongest, safest and most secure border in U.S. history, with the lowest level of illegal immigration ever achieved” and underscore that the current administration reversed his policies.

Indeed, the Biden-Harris administration rolled back key policies like Remain in Mexico, among others, instated a “catch-and-release” policy, and halted construction of his wall.

“When Kamala came in, she deliberately dismantled our border, and threw open the gates to an INVASION FORCE of criminal migrants from prisons and jails, insane asylums and mental institutions all over the globe, from Venezuela to the Congo,” Trump is anticipated to say.

“When I win on November 5th, the migrant invasion ends, and the restoration of our country begins,” he will go on to add.