Former President Donald Trump is leading with union workers and those holding manual jobs in Pennsylvania, a new poll from the Center for Working-Class Politics and YouGov reveals.

Published by Jacobin Magazine, the poll shows Trump has scored high points with Pennylsvania’s union workers, those who work with their hands, and Americans who are facing job insecurity in President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s economy.

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The poll shows Trump leads with current and former union workers in Pennsylvania with more than 47 percent compared to Harris’s 43 percent. Meanwhile, Harris is preferred by non-unionized workers with more than 48 percent support compared to Trump’s 43 percent.

Similarly, Pennsylvania’s manual workers favor Trump by almost 56 percent compared to 36 percent for Harris. Meanwhile, Harris leads Pennsylvanians who have a four-year college degree or more with 51 percent compared to Trump’s 40 percent.

Perhaps most consequential this election, Pennsylvanians facing joblessness or job instability vastly favor Trump over Harris.

Among those who said they were recently unfairly fired from their job, almost 53 percent plan to vote for Trump while only 37 percent back Harris. Those who said they are facing job insecurity also favor Trump by almost 60 percent compared to Harris’s nearly 33 percent.

On the other hand, Pennsylvanians who are secure in their jobs favor Harris by 47.5 percent compared to Trump at 44.5 percent. and those who have not lost their job recently also support Harris over Trump by similar margins.

Overall, the poll depicts an electorate in the Rust Belt that is continuing to realign the nation’s political parties where Republicans increasingly represent working and lower-middle class Americans while Democrats represent the upper-middle class and wealthy professionals.

The poll was conducted from Sept. 24 through Oct. 2 and surveyed 1,086 eligible voters in Pennsylvania. The margin of error is +/- 4.19 percentage points.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here