Nolte: Halperin Says Trump Victory Will ‘Cause Greatest Mental Health Crisis in History’

A members of US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign staff br
JEWEL SAMAD/AFP via Getty Images

Speaking with Tucker Carlson, political journalist Mark Halperin believes if Donald Trump wins back the presidency in three weeks, it will “cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

Near the end of their two-hour discussion (which is well worth listening to), Carlson says, “Let’s say Trump wins three weeks from today. What happens? … As you said, a lot of Democrats believe that Trump becoming president is the worst thing that could ever happen.”

“I say this not flippantly,” Halperin explains before adding: ”I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

He believes, “Tens of millions of people will question their connection to the nation … to other human beings … to their vision to what their future for them and their children could be like. And that will require an enormous amount of access to mental health professionals.”

“Are you being serious?” asks Carlson.

“I’m being a hundred percent serious,” answers Halperin, who then goes on: A Trump victory will “lead to trauma in the workplace [and] alcoholism [and] broken marriages.”

Halperin adds that Democrats were able to dismiss Trump’s 2016 victory as a “fluke” caused by disgraced former FBI Director James Comey re-opening the email investigation against Hillary Clinton. But this time, if Trump wins, it will be in a normal environment and a clear victory will mean “America chose by the rules pre-agreed to [and if] Donald Trump [wins] again, I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America.”

“And it will be sustained, unprecedented, and hideous.”

“Mental health crises often manifest in violence,” Carlson says.

“Yeah,” Halperin agrees. “I think there’ll be some violence. I think there’ll be workplace fights, fights at kids’ birthday parties … protests that will turn violent.”

“I think it will be less anger and more a failure to understand how it could happen,” he adds. “Like the death of a child… Something that is so traumatic that it’s impossible for even the most mentally healthy person to process and incorporate it into their daily life.”

To a slack-jawed Carlson, Halperin gets to the bottom line: Democrats believe “that their fellow citizens supporting Trump is a sign of fundamental evil at the heart of their fellow citizens and of the nation.“

Let me first say that I doubt Mark Halperin is making anywhere near the money he made working for Bloomberg, NBC News, writing those Game Change books, and then optioning them to HBO. But untethered from the confines of the establishment, he has become one of the most interesting and insightful pundits of the 2024 election season. It wasn’t anything more than his smarts, sources, and fascinating analysis that delivered him from career oblivion. He’s not trying to make headlines or impress anyone. He’s looking at the data, talking to people who know, and interpreting it in a way that helps the rest of us make sense of things. He’s earned this comeback. Good for him … and us!

After all, can you imagine Halperin talking about a left-wing mental health collapse from his former perch on MSNBC’s Morning Joe?

Look at what happened on MSNBC in late 2016 when Halperin had the gall to suggest Trump had a chance of beating Hillary Clinton:

Of course, Halperin misses all that corporate media money, but I’ll bet he doesn’t miss all that smug.

Anyway, if Halperin were to even suggest in the corporate media that a Trump victory would lead “tens of millions” of leftists consumed by mental health crises that would lead to violence… There’s no way…

And I’m not even sure I agree with him. Yeah, there will be protests and violence. But I don’t see tens of millions entering a mental health crisis. Those who do, and there will be a whole lot, will command our attention and therefore convince us it’s wider spread than it likely is, but for the most part, people go on about their lives.

Nevertheless, anyone who’s such a narcissistic snowflake they melt down into a pile of misery over a presidential election… Well, they deserve to be miserable.

Something else to keep in mind, though, is that our amazing Founding Fathers understood people’s passion for politics. We think everything under the sun is new and happening to us for the first time. It’s not. This is why our Constitution includes the release valve of a national election every two years. Should he win, within days of Trump taking office, the congressional midterms will begin. This gives all those pussy-hatted lunatics hope, something to pour their demonic energies into.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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