Exclusive — Marsha Blackburn Details Donald Trump Speaking with Auto Workers in Michigan: They ‘Really Came Forward’

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a town hall campai
Alex Brandon/AP

Auto workers in Michigan spoke directly to former President Donald Trump, who listened to their concerns and plight under the Biden-Harris administration, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who moderated the event with Trump Friday evening, detailed during an interview on Breitbart News Daily.

“We had an amazing event in Warren, Michigan, last night, and that’s kind of a hub of the engineering and manufacturing industry for automobiles and auto renovation,” Blackburn said, explaining the event had a room full of autoworkers who “really came forward for President Trump.”

“We had auto workers. We had Teamsters. We had hardworking men and women. They loved talking about the products that they build, whether it was a Bronco or a Chevy truck or supplying parts for some of those vehicles. We just had a great event, and I was so honored to be there with President Trump and to moderate that town hall with him,” she said, as she discussed with host Matthew Boyle some of the key moments of the event, including comments from individuals who are facing mass layoffs at their manufacturing plants.

“They wanted to talk last night. I found that so interesting. They wanted to talk. They wanted to tell their story, and President Trump was there to listen to them and to hear them out,” she said. “And of course, they’re concerned about what they see happening. One guy talking about working at this plant for years, and 2,000 of them are going to lose their jobs. Part of that is production that will go to Mexico. Part of it is automation, or the push toward EVs,” she said.


Blackburn said there was one woman who spoke during the event who talked about being a single mom with five children and how hard it has been to afford to live.

“She was so cute and so nervous and could hardly speak. She said, you know, she had not been a fan of President Trump, and then she realized — her son said, I want you to really … start looking at what he’s talking about. So she did, and then she became an avid Trump supporter,” Blackburn said. “She voted for him in 2020 and is voting for him again this year. So you know, as you said, Matt, the issues they talked about — the economy, immigration, the open border, inflation, those issues that are affecting their jobs and their productivity.”


Blackburn said during the town hall, autoworkers relayed how all of these factors affect their ability to manufacture in the United States.

“And as I said in one of my comments last night, what we have is the Democrats who just continue to ignore the auto worker, and they continue to ignore the impact of this push to go easy on China and this push that they’re making for more regulation, environmental regulation, and they ignore that, but it is the autoworker that was in that hall with us last night that’s paying the price for this,” the senator said, as she and Boyle also discussed Trump’s use of tariffs — another subject during the town hall.

“You have to have a tariff system so that you do level the playing field. And I appreciated he brought up the impact of dumping, which is something China does regularly. They will go about dumping a product. They’ve done it with solar panels … and pushed companies out of that business that are U.S.-based companies, and then they gobble up that market share, and then they raise the price, and up the price to anybody else outside of China that is trying to compete in that industry,” Blackburn said, explaining that Trump also spoke about what happens when China teams up with Mexico.

“They build factories just south of our border, the U.S.-Mexico border, and they manufacture cars, and they come in under a made-in-Mexico, and come in under the USMCA. But it is the Chinese Communist Party that is actually reaping that benefit because they are a partner in that venture,” she explained.


LISTEN to Blackburn’s interview below:

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