Most Teamsters Union workers across critical Rust Belt states have switched their support in this year’s presidential election to former President Donald Trump after backing President Joe Biden before he dropped out of the race and Vice President Kamala Harris took his place as the Democrat nominee.

A survey of Teamsters across all 50 states shows massive support for Trump.

Most significantly, though, Trump has successfully flipped support away from Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, where union workers are seemingly dissatisfied with Harris.

For example, before Biden dropped out of the race in late July, 58 percent of Michigan Teamsters said they planned to vote for the president’s reelection, while just 32 percent supported Trump.

Since Biden dropped out and Harris became the Democrat nominee, almost 62 percent of Michigan Teamsters now say they are backing Trump, while only 35 percent support Harris.

Similarly, Wisconsin Teamsters supported Biden’s reelection by almost 74 percent before he dropped out of the race, with 15 percent supporting Trump. Today, Wisconsin Teamsters support Trump by 57 percent to Harris’s 40.5 percent.

In Pennsylvania, Democrats once held a slight edge with 43 percent of Teamsters in the Keystone State supporting Biden to Trump’s 42 percent. Since Biden dropped out, support has flipped with more than 65 percent of Pennsylvania Teamsters supporting Trump while Harris garners 31 percent support.

Even in Ohio, where Trump won decisively in 2016 and 2020, Teamsters backed Biden by 44 percent compared to 37 percent supporting Trump. Following Biden’s exit, Trump now has support from more than 67 percent of Ohio Teamsters while fewer than 3 in 10 support Harris.

Nationally, almost 60 percent of Teamsters told union leadership they plan to vote for Trump in this year’s election, while about 31 percent support Harris.

Teamsters 4 Trump? Trump Claims “Endorsement” of Rank and File

Despite sweeping support for Trump among the union’s rank and file, union leadership chose not to make an endorsement — a blow to the Harris campaign, which squandered the chance to score an endorsement that Biden had gotten in 2020 and Democrats have enjoyed for decades.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.