Poll: Minnesota Voters Split on Kamala Harris VP Choice Tim Walz

Walz Election 2024 Harris
Matt Rourke/AP

Minnesota voters do not give Gov. Tim Walz (D) a sterling stamp of approval, a recent KARE 11/MPR News/Minnesota Star Tribune Minnesota Poll revealed.

The survey asked Minnesota respondents to reveal if they have a favorable or unfavorable view of their governor, who happens to be Vice President Kamala Harris’s VP pick. They are virtually split, as less than half, 48 percent, have a favorable rating of the Democrat governor, while 47 percent have an unfavorable rating. Another five percent have no opinion on the matter.

Predictably, most Democrats have a favorable view of Walz, 92 percent, while most Republicans have an unfavorable view, 93 percent. However, independents lean with an unfavorable view, as 50 percent view Walz unfavorably, compared to 42 percent who hold a favorable view.

More via KARE 11:

Women were more likely to rate Walz positively (57% favorable, 38% unfavorable) than men (57% unfavorable, 38% favorable). Younger voters also viewed Walz more favorably (52% favorable, 44% unfavorable) than voters over age 50 (49% unfavorable, 45% favorable).

While the survey found that 53 percent approve of Walz’s overall job performance — compared to 44 percent who disapprove — most, 52 percent, said they disapproved of the way Walz handled the mayhem during the George Floyd riots.

Indeed, Walz failed to quell the chaos during the Floyd riots.  Liz Collin, the producer of the documentary film The Fall of Minneapolis, walked through this reality during an August appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

RELATED: Wacky Walz Says “We Can’t Afford 4 More Years of This” After 4 Years of Democrat Rule


“This all happened, obviously, on his watch,” she explained latter adding that Walz was “fanning the flames in the hours and the days that follow, helping to sort of manipulate the message and sell it to the public.”

“How this is righteous anger, you know, sort of encouraging this behavior, and withholding the National Guard for three days before allowing them to respond and be there, you know, whether they’re making arrests or at least sending a message that businesses and homes are protected, but that was his decision, as well,” she added.

CNN also spoke to self-proclaimed Democrats who lived in Minneapolis at the time of the riots, one of whom said she has “serious problems” with how Walz handled it.

The survey coincides with other results from the same poll, which found Harris slipping in the solidly blue state, only leading former President Donald Trump by five percentage points. The results are telling, as Walz clearly is not beloved enough in his state — which has gone blue since 1976 on —  to make it totally safe place for Harris in November.

Trump nearly tipped Minnesota in 2016 against twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, down by just 1.5 percent. In 2020, the margin increased to 7.2 percent.


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